Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Cleaning out The Collector

The Collector recently had a contest where he was trying to give away every card in his TCDB tradelist. While the prize didn't interest me, the idea of completely cleaning out someone's tradelist did. I waited a week or so for everyone who was interested in trading with Chris to do so, and I saw he had plenty left that was interesting. And the cards I didn't need for my own collection would help bulk out my trade bait, if not for TCDB then maybe elsewhere. I told Chris to pick out what he wanted from my own TCDB tradelist, and he found plenty of Red Sox and other cards. 

Here is what I got. It's been a lot of fun going through these. The days of buying collections in person seems to be pretty over so this recaptures some of that fun of going through random piles of cards.

Starting off with the baseball. I didn't need the '87 OPC Dawson, the '88 Score and Topps, the '96 Score or '23 Topps, and one of the Bowmans. But every other card here I needed and will go into my collection.

By far the most cards here were football. While I don't "actively" collect football, I do like picking up some random football cards from time to time. As you can see there were some big stars, fun photos and shiny cards. The only dupes for me were a handful of Pro Set cards, including the Unitas.
On to sports I don't collect. A couple of years ago I sent Chris most of my basketball cards, several hundred of them. He sent these to me, about half of which I recognize by the sets must have come from me originally.
Lots of hockey available. Some 1980s cards on top. I like the set where it looks like the team name was stamped on. Some 1990s/2000s in the middle, and some new cards on the bottom. Maybe there is a set or team you collect?
Finally, some nonsport. My kids are basically over their brief nonsport interest, other than my son who likes Magic cards (to look at, he doesn't play the game). There are a couple of samurai cards in here that I think he will like, but I don't think he will have interest in the comic book cards or other stuff here. That Santa Todd McFarlane card fits the season well. That Game of Thrones hologram card is pretty cool. I enjoyed the TV show which led me to the books which I really enjoyed. I like the card but it doesn't fit my collection so I'd be happy to pass it along.


  1. Thanks for the trade! The cards you sent are filling up my binders and it was fun to clear out my trade box. Hope you're able to swap what you can't use.

  2. That's a pretty cool idea. I'm glad that you were able to pull it off. Sounds like you are both happy with the deal.

  3. I'm sure whoever wins the giveaway card (provided it's not you) will be grateful to you for helping to make the giveaway even possible.
