Sometimes a player's kids will show up on their dad's cards. Cuteness ensues.
Jose Melendez's son is a little shy.

I get the feeling that a minute before this picture was taken, Rob Murphy spit on his hand and straightened his son's hair so it would be just so.

Upper Deck needed no less than four cute toddlers to offset the ugliness of Gary Gaetti, known as "The Rat" for his appearance.

These kids are too young to be Gary's kid Joe, now a minor leaguer known as
"Little Rat." Looks like he has a good sense of humor about it.
Here's Bob Welch with another shy kid, probably son

Judging by their cards, no team was more kid-friendly than the early 1990s Mariners.
Here's Shigetoshi Hasegawa with son

Mike Cameron with

And Aaron Sele with daughter
Katherine, sporting Seattle Mariner baby socks: