For my AL Central predictions, I overestimated the White Sox and understimated the Twins, but otherwise did OK.
1. White Sox
"I think this will be down to the wire again, but the White Sox are just a little bit deeper and more experienced. This could easily go either way, though, and the second place team should have a more than decent shot at the Wild Card."
Wrong here - they finished third place and actually ended the season 79-83 despite being in first place early in the season.
2. Twins
"See above. One or two key White Sox injuries and Minnesota takes this division easily."
I was right about it being neck and neck, but wrong about the team the Twins would beat out.
3. Indians
"Hard to believe they won the division two years ago. Of course, Sabathia is gone, Cliff Lee is not going to keep winning 20 games and Travis Hafner has declined more rapidly than David Ortiz since the advent of steroids testing."
They finished tied for fourth, not third. I was wrong about Cliff Lee but right about Travis Hafner.
4. Tigers
"From joke to pennant winner to joke again. Remember their young pitchers?"
Wrong here - guess their young pitching was better than I thought.
5. Royals
"Year after year they finish last, giving them good draft picks. So how come their can't miss-prospects like Alex Gordon and Luke Hochevar keep missing?"
I was right about last (actually tied for fourth). Gordon and Hochevar still look like busts.
The card pictured was that of A.J. Pierzynski. He hit .300 with 13 HR and 49 RBI.
Why Do You Think They Call It Dopey?
6 hours ago