Rick Asadoorian was drafted as an outfielder
in the first round of the 1999 draft by Boston. After seven years in the Red
Sox, Cardinals, Rangers and Reds organizations he switched to pitching, last
appearing for the Can-Am League Worcester Tornadoes in 2010. Now the Men's Baseball Recruiting Director at SportsForce, he kindly answered my questions about baseball cards.
"I do not really collect cards myself. Although I do have at least one of
each that has been given to me over the years. I had fans who were very
generous and gave me a few cards at times when I signed for them. I
signed as many cards as possible for fans and continue to do so when
asked. My favorite card of mine is the card where I am jumping up the
wall to catch a ball. While that wasn't in a game it was in fact a real
catch. The ball was thrown from about 100 feet away and i went up and
caught it. It was very fun.
The best story I have for you is from when I was in Augusta playing for
the Greenjackets in the South Atlantic league in the Red Sox System.
There was a fan at the game early and had about 40 cards of mine in a
well kept book. Since he was the only one there I signed about half of
his cards. I only signed half because of what he said to me. While
signing the cards, he asked if I would like to have any of the cards.
That was common for fans to offer a card or 2 for me taking the time to
sign for them so I said "sure, that would be great. My dad will love
them." after I said that he said he would trade some cards for a pair of
Batting Gloves. Here I am signing a bunch of cards for this random guy
and he asks me that. After that I said I was done signing for him and
said seriously?. That still bothers me to this day. I always take care
of those who take care of me."
Thanks! Here is a card of him from my collection.
Sidetracked Stack
1 hour ago