Sunday, January 28, 2024

OBC/TDCB roundup

I've had a few of these come in recently, too.

It's 1984 at OBC. Member Aaron Shirley does this each year - gathers up the wantlists for everyone who wants to participate for a certain year (last year it was 1983) and everyone trades around their extras. Aaron sent me these OPCs plus a couple of Brewer oddballs.

Not surprising to get OPCs from Andrew Goguen, who is Canadian. But he also included three from the Topps Traded set!
Mark Zentkovich hits my football set with these great cards. You don't see airbrushing nearly as often in football sets, but Richard Todd's Saints helmet and jersey are a standout of the genre.
Erik Greenwood sent most of the 1984 Galasso Reggie Jackson set. Some great vintage photos here. Part I . . .
. . . and two, with a great action sequence of Reggie's big swing.
These came in from Eddie Bankston, and went right into my 1984 stickerbook.
Two more OPCs from Dan Angland.
Not everything incoming from OPC was a 1984. I love the Topps Super cards, though this photo probably isn't the best use of the large format. Still a great card from Steve Sankner.

Later on Steve sent this great 1952 card, of Monte Kennedy. On the back Topps notes that “His pitching at Camp Wheeler was the talk of the Army.”

On that subject, Joel Freedman sent three 1952s! My small set is slowly but consistently growing.

Not 1984, nor vintage, but Chris Kodl helped whittle down several modern sets.

I've recently completed a few TCDB trades as well.

A couple of great NY photos on Giants cards from the 1998 Metal set, courtesy of dbishop93.

Speaking of 1998 Metals, some rougher-conditioned cards from the baseball set from oldschool72.
These were in better shape, some fun photos and a '72 high number. At least with vintage cards you don't have to worry about bricking.

An odd baseball photo, plus three non-sport-focused baseball inserts, from billwill305.
Very nice trade with whacks_packs, who is a newer TCDB member. If you haven't traded with him check him out.


  1. Inside one of my grandmother's coffee tables she had a stack of 70's Topps Super cards. I'd flip through them whenever I'd visit her. I wonder what happened to those cards.

  2. You're starting to kind make me want to work on one of those Metal sets myself. I've got too much going on right now as is, so hopefully I'll be able to resist. And the photo on that '52 Priddy sure is neat. I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen that particular card on the blogs more.
