Sunday, July 16, 2023

Trade with aint56cool

Got a really nice mixture of cards from aint56cool

Starting off with a whole lot of 1986 Sportflics, leaving me with just three left to finish the set (#43 Ryan, #75 Tristars, #118 Quisenberry).

Two vintage cards from 1962, including a fantastic backgrond on the Carl Sawatski card. I assume that's Wrigley Field. Also a couple of stars for some mid-90s sets that are almost done.
Lots of fun or interesting pictures, with everything from a minor leaguer in jeans charting pitches, to Basil Shabazz showing off his gold tooth.
Some 1984 Fleer Update needs. I started collecting cards the year after Saberhagen's big season, so I remember that card being a big deal.
Finally, six of the last seven cards I needed for the 2018 set. Nice to get that Judge card. The last one left is the rookie card of some Angels player. Might be a while before I get that card . . .


  1. Jeff Kaiser card is cool, pitcher posing with the catcher's gear.

  2. I suppose I should know who, or what, the 56 is that's supposed to be cool, but I don't, therefor I can't say whether it's cool or not.
