Almost two years ago, I picked up a free box of cards from a guy on Craigslist. Inside was a nice selection of common cards from the mid-1990s. Recently, the guy contacted me to tell me he had some more cards for me. Isn't that nice! This time there was a mostly full 800-count box, very similar to last time. Mostly commons, but lots of these cards came from some of the more obscure sets of the 1994-1998 era. All in all, of about 700 cards in the box, I needed about 300 of them, which is a really good ratio for me for that era. (And yes, that means lots to trade!)
Here are some highlights of some of the sets most prevalent in the box:
Lots of 1996 and 1997 Circa. He appears to be rising from a bubble bath.
I picked up the cards at lunchtime in the public space in a big midtown office building, and sat there for the next hour sorting the cards. The 1996 Finest cards looked great catching all the overhead lights.
I don't have much 1996 Flair. This is the set that looks like it was sprinkled with gold dust.
Lots of 1996 and 1997 Fleer, those weird matte setts that are hard to sort through because the cards don't slide off of each other. Also weird to see Roger McDowell as a Texas Ranger.
Leaf Preferred - lots of these. I like the design of this set.
Probably more from the 1996 Pacific set than anything else, which is great because I didn't have much to start with.
Also lots of 1996 and 1997 Pinnacle. It's been this hot in New York every day this summer.
Some 1996 SPs. There are lots of pitcher batting cards, not many DH pitching cards.
Lots of 1997 Stadium Club. Great photo here for lots of reasons.
Here's another player out of position.
Finally, there were are few promo cards, basketball cards, and these three numbered hockey cards, all of which are up for trade.
2024 Topps Set Review
7 hours ago
Some nice 90s sets here. I love those out of position photos.
ReplyDeleteI'll take the hockey cards off your hands, and whatever basketball cards you can fit into a PWE. I'm out of vintage to trade but I'll send you something soon.