I picked up some free cards from a Craigslist seller yesterday. To pick them up I just had to go downtown to the financial district, an area I haven't visited in many years. I got there a little early and stumbled on a card shop and took a few wallet card photos - all that you will see in future posts. Turned out the box was a 660-count that didn't have any stars but was a lot more than junk wax. The cards ranged mostly from 1992-1998 so it went well past the junk wax era. All told there were about 200 cards in the box that I needed. Can't beat free cards!
Some highlights of the kinds of cards that were in there:
Bowman's Best
Donruss Elite. This was the only one but such a nice looking card...
Lots of 1997 Fleer, almost all of which I needed. I actually had this Brian Giles card already - DefGav, do you need it for your collection?
There were a few "Ruthian Shots" from MegaCards. The sign on his suit says "Vote for Al Smith" and discusses in detail Ruth's campaigning for Smith and controversial snub of Herbert Hoover in 1928. Certainly a timely card to get at election time.
Lots of 1996 Pacific, which you don't see much of here on the Atlantic.
You don't see miscuts too often on modern cards like 1997 Pinnacle - note the grass in a photo from another card on the right border. There were a couple of cards like this among the Pinnacles.
Great Stadium Club photo.
I really like 1997 Ultra with the shiny lettering and interesting photos.
Silly Is As Silly Does
2 hours ago
Nice haul!
ReplyDeleteMy Brian Giles PC is pretty much an unsorted mess at the moment, so I'm not sure if I need that card. Maybe? Feel free to set it aside for me if you have no other use for it. Thanks for thinking of me.