Finally, some highlights from the higher-end baseball cards in the second lot. Not quite as impressive as the football hits, but still some very cool cards, one in particular.
There was a big section of 1981 Fleer Star Stickers, which I guess is borderline vintage. Nice picture of Don Sutton doing what he does best.
Pretty rare to get any kind of Trout card, let alone a cool-looking insert like this.
I thought it was really cool when I pulled a Dick Perez 1/1 sketch card of Derek Jeter. Imagine my surprise when I came across a second, and then a third! Apparently Topps made an error - there was a 1/1 sketch card for each player, then Topps made a copy of it for a reprinted sketch card which was mass-produced but forget to remove the 1/1 from Perez's signature. Oh well, two of them are up for trade if anyone wants them.
A Mickey Mantle card numbered to just 29 copies. With so many Mantle collectors out there I'm really psyched to have this card.
There were a couple of real vintage cards in this set. Just because I don't actively collect vintage (no way I could afford it) I definitely appreciate getting cards like this. Here's a 1960 Norm Siebern!
I like this one even better, from 1962 Topps. Even though it's a posed shot it has a real candid feel with the amount of detail in the background with the old, old Yankee Stadium and even the guy in the windbreaker.
This is definitely the coolest card in the lot though - a Bob Feller pants card. To have a relic card of a legendary, inner-circle Hall-of-Famer is really fun, definitely a centerpiece for my collection.
Dime box cards
2 hours ago
Great Haul!