Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The natural pairing of 1992 Upper Deck Denny's holograms and early 1950s Bowman

I got two trade packages on the same day that, purely by coincidence, had a very similar, rather odd pairing. One was a blog trade and one was TCDB, so I knew what was coming, but didn't realize I had put together two very similar trades until they arrived at the same time.

One of these was my monthly Time Travel Trade with Diamond Jesters. I sent Matt a trio of old non-sport cards with three very different subjects that will hopefully resonate with a trade somewhere, so I could pick up some of the older baseball cards that had been sitting there for a while. Here we have Bowman cards from 1948 and 1951, and a Topps card from 1953.

I also picked up two modern cards that were newly available. 1992 Denny's is a great set - the cool shiny holograms combined with the city skylines are a double win for me. Even better is Ruben Sierra, who was one of my all-time favorite Yankees.
These arrived at the same time as a TCDB trade with triplecrown. Two more Denny's holograms. Polonia and O'Neill were two more favorites of mine from two very different eras of Yankee baseball. And with them, naturally, two 1950 Bowmans!
He has a lot of fun Tigers oddballs available, and here are the rest of the cards from the trade. Pepsi, Coke, Domino's, Hostess. Some great photos on Sparky and Northrup's cards.


  1. Another great trade with Bo! Hopefully those cards you sent will get some bites!

  2. Love the city skylines on those Denny's holograms. I'm off to see if I can pick up a complete set on eBay.

  3. I don't think I ever owned any of the '92 holograms, as they don't look very familiar. The background is nice, and really seems to pop.
