Thursday, August 10, 2023

Vintage cards from bloggers

Cards on Cards had one of his occasional give-aways where he just asks for something on his wantlist in return. This time it was all vintage! (Looks like there are still cards available, too.) Fortunately I had a few cards for him, so I claimed a few.

Two Topps cards. Tex Clevenger is shown on the first "last Washington Senators" team, before they moved to Minnesota in '61. Dave Nelson's card says "Rangers", but shows him in the airbrushed red hat of the second "last Washington Senators" team, before they moved to Texas in '72.

The other three cards I claimed were 1978 OPCs. No point showing the fronts, which are the same as Topps cards. The backs are bilingual. The game provides a nice introduction to French baseball terms. I like "Simple" for "Single".
Another blogger who regularly trades away vintage is Diamond Jesters. I only claimed one card this time but it was a good one, my oldest Tommy Davis card. If you read the writeup it sounds like they are saying teammate Willie Davis was Tommy's brother. Actually Tommy was an only child.



  1. Clevenger wins it. He seems to share my opinion of ho cards. Senators cards always get a boost though.

  2. I completely missed Cards On Cards' post, I don't know how. Only thing I can figure is it was some godawfully long work day that day.

  3. I don't think I seen that post either. Love me some vintage OPC!

  4. That Clevenger card is really cool and that Washington Senators logo plays a big role.

  5. I was surprised that even I was able to pick up some neat things from Kerry's giveaway. A lot of people must've missed that post for whatever reason.
