I have three cards of Danny Ainge. This one is from 1981 Fleer.
Playing career: Danny Ainge played in 211 games over three seasons as an infielder for the Blue Jays from 1979 to 1981. His baseball career was best summarized by Bill James in the 1980 Baseball Abstract: “Dribble dribble.”
My memories: His baseball career was before my time and I have no interest in basketball, so he was never more than just a name for me.
Where he is now: Like Michael Jordan, he was a basketball star who couldn’t hack it in pro baseball. Currently the President of Basketball Operations for the Boston Celtics.
Interesting fact: He was the initial investor in Hat Club. According to the company website, “It is Hat Club’s goal to create an addictive, repetitive behavior for purchasing hats.”
Google Autocomplete results: He is tenth when you type Danny, after Danny Boy, the Irish song. There do not appear to be any other prominent Danny Ainges.
Coming up next: The next profile will be Kurt Ainsworth.
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