Thursday, May 16, 2024

Detroit Free Press, April 13, 1945

Here is the last of the newspapers from that big tub of newspapers I bought last year. Actually it is just one page, the front (and back) of the Detroit Free Press of April 13, 1945, with the death of President Franklin Roosevelt.

The paper was very fragile so I took a photo of the back before opening it up. Lots of news about food rationing.
Here are the advertisements at the bottom of the page. Some of these, like Flatlux, are long gone. But others, like Clorox and Heinz, are still going strong 80 years later.
Inside front cover, with war news and dress sales.
The inside back cover seems to be devoted to areas of interest for women.
I'm glad to have gotten this "instant collection" of newspapers and it's been fun going through them.


  1. I wish I had more storage space, because I'd love to collect old newspapers of major historical events like this. I've seen some cool stuff at the flea market, but have had to pass it up. I think the only ones I have sitting in the garage are 49ers Super Bowl newspapers and I don't even like the Niners.

  2. That's a keeper page for sure!

  3. It doesn't seem possible to me that 1945 is almost now 80 years ago.
