Friday, May 31, 2024

Cake or gum? 1976 Ted Sizemore

Last time gum cruised to a 7-1 victory. Who will win this time?

Two photos taken at just about the same time, at Candlestick Park. It's quite possible Sizemore didn't even move between the two photos. Do you prefer the close-up or the longer shot?

Second baseman Ted Sizemore came up with the Dodgers in 1969, hitting .271 with 20 2B, 4 HR and 46 RBI while playing good defense in the infield, enough to win the Rookie of the Year award. That ended up being a typical Ted Sizemore season throughout the 1970s - solid defense, decent average and doubles power. Not a star, but a useful player in that era. He was traded to the Cardinals for Dick Allen after the 1970 season, then traded back to the Dodgers for Willie Crawford in 1976. After the '76 season Sizemore was traded to the Phillies for Johnny Oates. In two NLCS with the Phillies he hit well in a losing cause against his old Dodgers teammates, .308 in eight games. He finished his career with brief stints with the Cubs and Red Sox. Overall, in 1,411 games he hit .262 with 188 2B, 23 HR and 430 RBI. After his career he was a long-time executive for Rawlings, and served as CEO of the Baseball Assistance Team for many years. He is now retired.


  1. I prefer the close-up shot - Gum wins this round!

  2. Yeah, the close-up is better. All the most so because the Hostess has less room to work with. Would have been better if they switched the two photos! Vote for gum.

  3. The initials for Baseball Assistance Team spell bat. What a crazy coincidence.

    Voting for gum.

  4. I'm with Brett in the sense that I wish the photos were reversed... but will go with cake, because I like the zoomed out photo more.

  5. A player favorite as a kid. Gum.

  6. I like the close up, but the blurred background loses it for me. Cake!
