Thursday, May 9, 2024

Cake or gum? 1976 Jim Sundberg

Last time Topps rolled to another easy victory, 8-3. Who will win this time?

Two photos taken at Oakland Coliseum. Neither photo is particularly sharp, perhaps the angle of the sun affected the light.

Sundberg spent a decade as the Rangers’ catcher, then spent a year in Milwaukee before coming to Kansas City just in time to help lead the team to their first world championship in 1985. Overall, in 1,962 games in 16 seasons, he hit .248 with 95 HR and 624 RBI. After his playing career he spent many years in the Rangers front office. He is now primarily an events speaker. He shared his thoughts on baseball cards with this blog in 2019.


  1. Maybe it's me, but the Topps cards looks like his hat is too small for his head. Voting for the more interesting cake this go-around.

  2. I'll go gum just because I find the Hostess card a little too far away (i.e. I wish it were cropped a little tighter).

  3. Cake, I've always felt his Topps card was a bit "off".

  4. Cake. I get a chance to see more of the Coliseum.
