Sunday, October 14, 2018

Baseball card story from Hank Foiles

Catcher Hank Foiles played for seven teams from 1953 to 1964, hitting .243 with 46 HR and 166 RBI. He was an All-Star in 1957, hitting .270 with 9 HR and 36 RBI. He kindly answered my questions about baseball cards.

"My only baseball card story involves a card set of former Baltimore Orioles produced by Crown Oil Co. several years ago. My likeness was used to make the cards without my knowledge or authorization. I sued but got nowhere, since very few other players jumped onboard with me. Even today, I refuse to sign that card. I am not a collector nor do I have any favorite cards. 

Please check out my book "A Pirate's Journey" and mention it to your followers.It's chock full of good stories about my life in baseball. Contact my co-author, Doug Williams, for copies signed by both of us. ($23 includes postage) "

1 comment:

  1. It has been a while since I've mentioned how much I love these posts with the players' stories about baseball cards. Keep them up!

    And I'm very tempted to buy the book since the player was kind enough to reply to you. It could be interesting.
