Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Anthony Bass on baseball cards
"Growing up I collected Cal Ripken Jr baseball cards. I was an avid collector of Cal Ripken growing up and also Cecil Fielder but nothing out of the ordinary. I have a large collection. I like them all."
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Josh Lindblom on baseball cards
"I used to collect baseball cards when I was younger. My parents and grandparents would always buy me cards for birthdays. I used to only collect cards of my favorite players growing up Jeff Bagwell, Craig Biggio, and Ken Caminiti. I had two huge card boxes of every single one of their cards in them. I do no collect cards anymore. My favorite card is a Nolan Ryan rookie card with the Mets."

Monday, November 28, 2011
Player Profile: Kim Allen

I have one card of Kim Allen, from 1981 Fleer.
Playing career: Second baseman Kim Allen played in 42 games for the Mariners in 1980 and 1981, hitting .222 and stealing 12 bases.
Where he is now: Anyone know what Kim Allen is doing now?
My memories: Only know him from his card.
Google Autocomplete results: Kim Allen is fifth when you type Kim A, between Kim and Kris Wedding and Kim and Kris Break Up, both of which refer to a celebrity couple. The ballplayer is fifth on the first page of results for Kim Allen, behind a love psychic, an actress, and a human development professor.
Coming up next: The next profile will be Shane Andrews.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Player Profile: Ronnie Allen

I have one card of Ronnie Allen, from 1991 Classic Best.
Playing career: The Phillies’ third round draft choice in 1991, Ronnie Allen spent four years in their organization, as well as another four games in the Astros chain in 1995. He was 23-23 in his professional career.
Where he is now: A freelance photographer in Seattle.
My memories: Never heard of him until I got his card.
Google Autocomplete results: He is third when you type Ronnie Al, between Ronnie Almani, President of, and Ronnie Alma, a graduate of North Babylon High School in New York. When you google Ronnie Allen you don’t get any entries for the ballplayer on the first page. Prominent Ronnie Allens include a singer and an English football (soccer) player.
Coming up next: The next profile will be Shane Andrews.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Cards from Night Owl
This great-looking Don Mattingly card is one of three he sent me from 1992 Fleer, leaving me with just two needs for that set - #6, Dwight Evans, and #710, Nolan Ryan Pro-Visions.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Player Profile: Eric Albright

I have one card of Eric Albright, from 1991 Classic Best.
Playing career: Catcher Eric Albright played four years of A ball in the Tigers system from 1989 to 1992, hitting .227 with 14 HR and 94 RBI in 225 games.
Where he is now: Anyone know where Eric Albright is now?
My memories: Never heard of him until I got his card.
Google Autocomplete results: He is tenth when you type Eric Alb, after Eric Albarracin, a US Army Captain. There are no results for the ballplayer on the first page when searching Eric Albright. The other Eric Albrights include a doctor, an artist, and several college athletes.
Coming up next: The next profile will be Ronnie Allen.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Does anyone have 1986 Donruss Mookie Wilson (604) or Buddy Biancalana (605) to trade?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Dan Serafini on baseball cards
"Baseball cards are great. I wish I did start collecting them when I was a kid. My silliest story is: the fact I didn't know that much about collecting baseball cards. I used to pitch with Sandy Koufax's rookie card in my hat in high school! Little did I know it would be worth what it is today. So I have a nice beat up Koufax card and a bunch of my own from all the different leagues and countries I have played in."


Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Pat Neshek on baseball cards
"Favorite card is a 2007 Topps Heritage short print, I opened 36 boxes & never got one...had to buy it on eBay.

Thanks! Here is a Neshek card I have, from 2007 Upper Deck.

Monday, November 21, 2011
Charles York on baseball cards
"I love baseball cards. I have a lot of them. I'm a big fan of old minor league cards, they are my favorite to look at."
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Chris Perez on baseball cards
"I still collect cards. I have about 40 thousand. My favorite cards are any type of Topps/Bowman refractors, I like the way color hits them. I have over 200 hundred Frank Thomas cards, he was my favorite player growing up, so all of his cards I really enjoy. I also have over 300 cards I got autographed in person around the different Spring Trainings in Florida. My favorite card of mine is one of my first ones when I was on Team USA in '05 in college. Upper Deck made a set of cards and one had me and my college teammate Jon Jay on it, so that is my favorite personal card."
Thanks! I couldn't find any pictures of that card (2005 UD USA Dual Auto) but here is one I have, from 2008 Stadium Club.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Mark Parnell on baseball cards
"I never made it to the big leagues, but have some minor league cards. My son likes them. They are only good for throwing darts for anyone else.
I have a few cards. I do not really collect them but have some pretty good cards. Mostly guys I played with."
Also, don't forget to check out the latest This Week in Baseball Cards at the Hall of Very Good.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Bill Bliss on baseball cards
"I loved the chance to be on all the cards I was on. It was a privilege.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Dan Ford likes all his cards
"Its good to have a card and I like all."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Jeremy Barfield on baseball cards
"Do I collect cards?
Well I definitely used to when I was younger. I had about 5 binders full of hundreds of cards each. They are all stored somewhere in my parents attic now. When I get a chance I will definitely have to go look through them. I'm sure I have something valuable in there.
I remember in 1998 when I was 11 years old and my dad was coaching in Seattle that my favorite player in the whole world, and still by far my all-time favorite, was Ken Griffey Jr. I had just gone to the local card store and Donruss had just released these new 8x10 cards and sure enough in my pack I got a Griffey one. I was so excited. A few weeks later once school got out my family went to Seattle to be with my dad for the summer. I was so anxious to get the card signed, but at the same time I was nervous. I had been in the clubhouse before and talked to him plenty of times, but I had never asked for an autograph. My dad reassured me that one autograph is fine and sure enough Junior signed it for me no problem. I still have that card to this day. The 1998 Donruss Studio with Junior wearing his hat backwards.

During the 2011 season starting about June I started seeing a new card of me. Up to that point I didn't have any Bowman cards. That's kind of disappointing considering it was my 3rd full season. So this card starts showing up every city I'm in and it has a printed autograph, so it was very weird signing my real signature on the printed one. The printed signature wasn't even how I sign my name, which was odd. Apparently Topps gets it from the $2 contract you sign when you first sign your pro contract. So all season long I was signing my real signature on top of my $2 signature with a picture they used that was over 2 years old! Better late than never I guess. So my favorite card of myself is definitely from the future because the only one I have now is and will never be it."
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I ordered two sets from them - 1982 Donruss and 1986 Fleer. 1986 Fleer has one major rookie card - the Jose Canseco rookie. Guess what one card just happened to be missing? Fortunately I happened to have that card from a recent trade (thanks Scott Crawford!) so I let that one slide.
The other set I ordered was 1982 Donruss. Instead, I received 1982 Fleer. I had to send the box back to him to get the refund for the set, but didn't get refunded for either his shipping or my shipping, so I was still out $20 for his error. Amazon rules allow the sellers to do this, but a reputable seller would refund a buyer for shipping on their error.
So, to sum up, I ordered two sets from this guy and got one set missing the key card and one set completely wrong, and lost $20 because he wasn't honorable about refunding shipping for his error.
I have since reordered the 1982 Donruss set, and got it from another seller with no incident yesterday. This is the set that introduced the famous "Diamond Kings," and did so this way in part:
As baseball fans we cheer them.
They are our strong and brave heroes.
They are our Diamond Kings. . . .
Treasure them, they are yours to enjoy.

Monday, November 14, 2011
Matt Mangini on baseball cards
"Baseball card story of myself: my biggest card collector is my mom. She thinks it's fun to bid on my cards on the Internet even after I told her I could hook her up.
