Of course you do! That's why you're here! You don't come to this website for the latest news on a parallel refractor of Heyward Strasburg, after all. A reader of this blog knows that for me, the weirder and funnier, the better. I'm glad to say I'm not alone in this love for cardboard strangeness - there is a pretty new blog called funnybaseballcards.com which looks awesome.
Some of the things on the site are similar to what I have here. Like early 80s Fleer? He's got it.
Like funny hair? He's got it.
But he's got so much more. Like funny names (did the Browns really have a RB named Ben Gay?) Awkward action photos. Nolan Ryan in short shorts. And that's just from the first two pages!
Junk Mall Junk Wax Wednesday
14 minutes ago
Heck yeah they had Ben Gay! I actually did a write up on him when I nominated him for the GSNHOF - great talent with potential, threw it all away with personal issues a la Elijah Dukes or Toe Nash.