Thursday, August 1, 2024

Cake or gum? 1976 Rich Gossage

Last time Hostess pulled away with a 7-4 victory. Who will come out on top here?

These photos were clearly taken moments apart. The guy leaning on the batting cage behind Goose appears to be in the same pose in both shots. The big difference is that you can see more of the grandstand on the Hostess card, while Topps shows the batter in the cage.

Rich "Goose" Gossage was coming off the first of his three AL Saves titles, having saved 26 games in 1975. In '76 the White Sox converted him to a starter, and he fared poorly, so they traded him to the Pirates for Richie Zisk. Pittsburgh returned him to the bullpen, where he started a string of nine seasons out of 10 with 20+ saves for the Pirates, Yankees and Padres. The only year he missed that total was 1979, when he missed half the season after injuries sustained in a fight with Yankees teammate Cliff Johnson. Gossage transitioned to a set-up role later in the 1980s. A true baseball lifer, he hang around through the age of 42, going 3-0 with the Mariners in 1992, his final season. After his career he broadcasted for a while and owned a chain of hamburger restaurants in Colorado. He is now retired.


  1. both are great, but going with the cake.

  2. I'll give the edge to gum just because the cropping of the Hostess is a bit further out than I'd like. Close, though. I wonder if I ever looked at Hostess and Topps cards when I was a kid and noticed that the photos were from the same session. Probably not.

  3. Going with gum because I've known that card for a long time and always liked it. ... Gossage is also a big-time crank these days.
