Monday, March 10, 2025

1974 Topps Deckle Dating: Nolan Ryan

 Nice job getting the whole player into the skinny design.

Comiskey Park, May 24th, 1973.

Ryan pitched that day, and struck out 13 batters while walking just one. He was undone by one bad inning, a 3-run third with a sac fly by Dick Allen and RBI hits by Melton and Reichardt. The inept Angels offense was baffled by Wilbur Wood's knuckleball and the White Sox one, 4-1.

In other news, multiple prostitution scandals in England forced the resignation of the Leader of the House of Lords; the devaluation of the dollar led to the first trade surplus for the US in two years, mostly due to a decline in the deficit with Canada; and the Mets and Dodgers started a game in Los Angeles at 11pm EST; the game went on for 19 innings, with early-rising New Yorkers tuning in shortly before 5am to hear the Mets win with a 4-run nineteenth inning.

But wait . . . 

It appears that the photo for the '74 Deckle and this '74 puzzle . . .

. . . originate from the same photo session as Ryan's '73 Topps card, which was already out by May. 

Not 1973 then, and I don't think it's even Comiskey Park. The railings between rows were pretty distinctive and I don't see them here. I think this might be Oakland?


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