Friday, July 26, 2024

Cards from S.R. '75

I was surprised to find a taker for all of those basketball cards I got in one of those recent lots. Long time reader Stuart, who now has is own blog S.R.'75 Cards claimed them. I sent him a medium flat rate with three 660-count boxes of cards. The cards weren't trashed like some of the others in that lot, but they did have some bricking issues, and I told him to just send me 150-200 random football cards to cover postage. The cards themselves weren't really worth anything, certainly not to me.

Instead he generously sent a 660-count box of his own stuffed with some really nice football, cards. It's much nicer than what I sent him, hopefully he is not too disappointed with what he got.

Probably half the box were 1975 Topps cards. These will really make a dent in this set for me. There were lots of dupes, so if you need some cards from this set (no big stars in here) let me know.

The rest of the box was mostly Giants cards. Most were from the 1990s, a decade where the Giants started out terrific, then got lousy, then got better again.
NFL coaches don't get lots of cards like MLB managers do. I don't think I ever had a Bill Parcells card before. Some great memories of Super Bowl XXV here.
Several Phil Simms cards!
A lot of Rodney Hampton. He was hurt his rookie year when they won the Super Bowl, then was the only star for some mediocre Giants teams. He did have a huge playoff game against Minnesota one year.
A whole lot of Danny Kanell cards. Stuart must have been prospecting him way back when. He was the backup to the underwhelming Dave Brown, and showed a little promise, which made Giants fans hungry for him to take over for Brown. Around the same time, the Yankees traded for a pitcher with a somewhat similar name, Denny Neagle. My dad would get the two names confused, and when Brown would struggle, my dad would shout at the TV, "Bring in Neagle!"
There were some more recent cards from the terrific Eli Manning era, including several Eli cards. It's been twelve years since Eli won his second and last Super Bowl for the Giants. It's still the last championship by a New York team in one of the four major sports.
Stuart surprised me with some vintage baseball too! I needed the '71 Unser and Heise and the two '75 OPCs.



  1. Nice. Stuart has passed some great stuff along.

  2. That Jack Ham is great. And $3 seems like it was a really good price for the Manuel. It usually sells for a bit more online.
