Recently I twice picked up free cards, mostly from the last two years, from an Orioles fan in Brooklyn. This week, I connected with a different Orioles fan in Brooklyn who also had cards to give away. I traded him a handful of O's cards for a package that was maybe 1/4 baseball, 3/4 nonsports. Here are the nonsports. All of these are available for trade for baseball cards, maybe they fit some of your collections. Most of these are from the early 1990s.
Lots of Magic: The Gathering cards. A few came in an orange sleeve and one in a red shiny hologram sleeve.
The oldest cards were 1977 Saturday Night Fever. Doesn't appear to be a large set; there is lots of duplication. Funny to own a card of people walking down a random street somewhere in Queens.
A little bit of "sports" - extreme sports, WWE, and one basketball card (Dominique Wilkins).
Two cards each from classic 90s shows Simpsons and X-Files.
Lots of Marvel . . .
. . . some DC . . .
. . . and even Marvel vs. DC.
Lots of TNMT, from both the movie and the cartoon.
A few Dinocardz.
Gargoyles - this was a TV show?
Lots of I Love Lucy, second largest amount of cards in the package.
The largest amount was several hundred from The Little Mermaid.
This was a Comic Images set of great paintings.
A few random promo cards and single cards from random sets.
I know some of you guys collect this stuff. Center Stage - Southwest 1992. A couple of them are gold-foil parallels. The front have a photo with mild nudity (T-and-A), the back let you know in what club you can find the lady performing. I'll hang onto them for a week if someone wants to claim them; if not they're going in the trash. I'm not offended by them but I've got little kids who don't need to stumble on these.
Finally, some unopened packs. The Power Rangers packs include movie packs and TV packs.
One card remaining
1 hour ago