Monday, September 9, 2024

1986 Spokane Indians at the mall - Warren Newson


Newson is at the same Orange Julius location that we earlier saw William Taylor. That's a lot of oranges!

Newson was a long-time Padres minor-leaguer who finally got his major league chance when he was traded to the White Sox in 1991. He could hit fairly well and walked a lot, so his OBP was always considerably higher than his batting average. However, he did not have notable power or speed, and was only 5 feet 7 inches tall. These qualities likely prevented him from getting more of a chance. He was traded to the Mariners in 1995 and signed with the Rangers in 1996. In Texas, he started hitting for more power, but his BA and OBP suffered as his strikeouts went up faster than his home run rate. Overall in 489 games over 8 seasons, he hit .250 with 34 HR and 120 RBI. Since his retirement he has done some youth coaching but has mostly kept a low profile.


  1. Maybe it's because I'm staring at it right now... but that's exactly how I remember Orange Julius from my childhood.

  2. I absolutely loved Orange Julius way back when. Malls were never really my thing, but an OJ always made the trip worth it when I did find myself at one.
