Friday, June 21, 2024

Vintage star cards roundup

Here's what's come in the last few weeks . . .

The weekly Greg Morris auctions have been better lately for oddballs and high numbers than for big stars. I've probably gotten what I can in terms of affordable star cards for these. I probably have to wean myself off of doing these regularly, but I still enjoy them and they're fairly cheap. These came today . . . 

. . . last week . . .
. . . and the week before. This one did have some hefty star power.
I picked up a lot of '62 Post Canadian. I also won a few single star cards (and a '63 Jello Koufax). This was a case of me seeing a cheap opening bid and no other bids and figuring what the heck, someone will outbid me but why not. Nobody did and I wound up paying close to a dollar a card which I kind of regret, but I also don't because these don't seem to be easy to find in the US.
I similarly overreacted to some trimmed pre-WWII cards with no bids on two separate occasions. I should really stick to $1 or $2 with card like these, not $5 shipped. Al Thomas '33 Goudey . . .
. . . '40 Play Ball Myril Hoag. He's a former Yankee, and it is cool to have a contemporary card of a player that mentions on the back that he used to back up Babe Ruth.
Otherwise, I did better on a '54 Berra . .  .
. . . and a '62 Billy. Nice Yankee Stadium shot of a guy in the wrong uniform, whose heart (to the extent he had one) was always with the Yankees.

I rarely find really cheap lots with enough cards I needed, but I needed four out of these ten '59s which were about a quarter apiece. Drott, Bressoud, Martyn and Kasko are the keepers; the rest are available for trade.


This is my favorite recent purchase. 1968 American Oil Mickey Mantle. I had picked up the Mays recently. Both were surprisingly cheap for 1960s oddballs. It's a mixed-sport set and other than Ruth that's all of the baseball in the set.

The back is fun too. Win Corvettes! The iconic logo is in that awkward stage when they took out Standard but weren't Amoco yet.


  1. Great stuff Bo. Super stars, oddballs, love those Canadien Post. I don't have a lot of them (I have the Hank),

  2. I saw that Canadian Post lot, but knew that I wouldn't be happy with the condition and let it go. It's kind of neat to know that you ended up getting it.

  3. Nice pick-ups. The look on Billy Martin's face says it all...I'm home but in the wrong uniform. I loved Billy's fire and passion for the game.

  4. A. Those Canadian Post cards were a nice buy. I feel like had I come across them in a dollar bin, I would have grabbed them all.

    B. Nice Billy. Had no idea he played in Minnesota. Always associate him with the A's and Yankees.
