Friday, January 17, 2025

1970 Topps Booklets: The Bobby Murcer Story

This image comes from the photo that would be used for Murcer's 1971 Bazooka card, per Roy Carlson's research.

Murcer's wife, the former Diana Kay Rhodes, goes by Kay. She is one of many Yankee widows who participate in Old Timers Day and other Yankees events.
This is one of the more dramatic stories in these comics. Murcer lost two entire seasons to the army - if he had played in '67 and '68, he may well have hit 300+ home runs. (And with Roger Maris off to St. Louis, #9 in 1968 was Steve Whitaker.)
I'm guessing the clubhouse attendant is supposed to be the legendary Pete Sheehy, who held the job from 1927 to 1985. He wasn't bald, though. GEM Razor did have an ad on the right field wall in Yankee Stadium in '69. The pointy building behind it did not exist in real life, however.



  1. For about a 5 year period in the early 1970s, he may hav been the best player in the AL

  2. A. Guess it's true that the high school athletic hero always gets the cheerleaders.

    B. Pretty cool that he inherited Mickey's locker.
