Got a nice envelope from OBCer Dan Williams. I was able to finish his '65 Topps Embossed set with one of the extras from the lot I recently bought. He sent me back two very nice vintage cards and something I'd never seen before - an unopened pack of 1991 Conlon.
I have a few Conlon cards I've picked up over the years but I'd never seen an unopened pack. I'm guessing these were sold in baseball cards shops. In 1991 I was still just buying cards at drug stores and stationery stores.Let's see what's inside!
These cards all have photographs from the famous Charles Conlon. Most are portraits which are fine, but I prefer the more action-oriented shots as you see less of them from this era. I also think it's funny that Homer Summa's position is "batter". That's because it's part of a subset about an unassisted triple play - one that he hit into!