Thursday, November 9, 2023

Football from The Collector

Recently Chris The Collector made a comment on my blog that he is working on the 1994 Ultra set. 1994 Ultra is one of my least favorite sets. I find the gold foil number on the back, usually against a light background, very hard to read. Years ago I got rid of most of my extras in a large trade. I didn't have as many this time but I had some that he needed, so I was glad to thin out a lot of my Ultras again.

In return I selected a few football cards from Chris's TCDB page. I'm not actively trying to complete a set like 1989 Pro Set, but I like to see cards from this era when I first started collecting. There are more familiar names to me in this era than any other, certainly more than present day. The photos were a lot more dynamic than what Topps had at this time.

Lionel Manuel had a nice career for the Giants. Nice to see under-the-radar favorites like Mark Kelso and Iron Head Heyward.

One card that was not Pro Set was a Pro Line portrait of Giants lineman Eric Dorsey. (Well, technically it is a Pro Set set but a different Pro Set set.) This is one of the less-goofy cards in that set. Mike Quick and Vencie Glenn have some great action shots here.


  1. It's really a shame that Pro Set couldn't have stuck around longer. They almost always made good looking cards. I would've liked to have seen what they could've done with either an MLB or NBA license as well.

  2. Glad you could use these, there aren't many football card collectors on my blogroll.

    1994 Ultra was a big letdown after 1992 and 1993. But since I've completed those sets (and Dennis sent me all of '94 Ultra S2) I figured I'd keep it going and complete '94. Thanks for the trade!
