Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Cards that arrived late but got here

So the P.O. only held onto my incoming mail for a single day. I'm probably being paranoid thinking it was about my complaint. And the two PWEs I mailed from the neighboring post office got to their destinations with no problem, so hopefully now I can square away all of my messed-up TCDB trades.

One of the PWEs was my latest contest winnings from Johnny's Trading Spot.

Three nice cards here, even Yankees bust Jacoby Ellsbury looks good. I really like that particular Topps Fire design with the 1980's style name and background. Reminds me of watching the Transformers as a kid.

A couple of shiny Yankees, present and hopefully future.
Finally, a few cards from a set that I had never seen before. It is from 2000 and looks like it chronicles all of the Yankees World Series wins up to that point.
They are thick cards and numbered to 500. Somehow, Johnny managed to get both Tommy Henrichs with the same number! (387/500)


  1. I didn't catch that 378/500 on both of those cards. Cool, especially seeing that I had dupes of them. What are the odds?

  2. Fun fact: Ellsbury strained his bicep lifting his arm up in this photo! (Kidding of course, we Red Sox fans love him, both for what he did for our team and what he didn't do for the Yankees!)

  3. Good to hear your mail-related issues have resolved and trading is flowing again.
