Saturday, June 8, 2024

Wood vs. Wood #204

Last time 1962 held on for a 5-3 victory. Who will win this time?

No logo or even background for Johnny Weekly, a Giants minor leaguer who was taken by the new Houston Colt .45s in the expansion draft. Weekly made his big league debut in 1962 and appeared in 53 games between '62 and '64. He hit .207 with 5 HR and 19 RBI. He died in a car accident in 1974.

Sammy Stewart wears a warm jacket on the dugout steps in Detroit. Stewart pitched for the Orioles from 1978 to 1985, the Red Sox in 1986, and the Indians in 1987. A multi-inning reliever, Stewart won the AL ERA crown in the strike-shortened 1981 season, with a 2.32 ERA in 112.1 innings over 29 appearances, 26 of them in relief. Overall, in 359 games he went 59-48 with 45 saves and a 3.59 ERA. He was arrested dozens of times during and after his career on DWI, drug possession and domestic abuse charges, and served prison time from 2006 to 2013. He died of heart disease in 2018.


  1. 1962. I like its surrealness.

  2. 1987. I did not like fake, ghostly cards as a kid, I don't like them now. But I do like '80s satin jackets with the knit cuffs.

  3. Neither of these cards is very nice to look at, but the Weekly is at least interesting, so that's my vote.

  4. As cool as the name Johnny Weekly is, Sammy Stewart's combination of satin jacket with "red socks" logo and mustache gets my vote.

  5. gotta go with '87...Weekly is interesting but way too bland. Plus the satin jacket is a winner.

  6. Neither of these really stand out to me. I guess I'll go with 1962, because Colts trump Sox.

  7. Stewart - Pretty sure I had one of those sweet Red Sox jackets...
