Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Knocking out Series 2

For the second straight year, I did bulk trades to knock out Series 1, and purchased Series 2 off of eBay. I feel like it would be harder to do bulk trades for Series 2 because TCDB doesn't differentiate, making it harder to tell who has bulk amounts, and I think people buy it less than they do Series 1. I was able to win an auction just under $30, which seems a good price and worth the cost of the cards and shipping that several trades would entail.

Here they are all together. With the borders being black on top and white on the bottom, when they are lined up this way they look a lot like 1986 Topps.

I really like the design of this set, but unfortunately it's lipstick on a pig because everything else is same-old, same-old. The photo selection continues to be very uniform, the same four or five poses. Even the team cards are all similar celebration sites. I went through to pick out some photo highlights. I only found four I thought worth posting, and didn't realize when I was done that three of the four were fielders leaping for a ball. I don't know how that nice shot of Smyly with the Chicago skyline made it through, it's by far the nicest card in the set.
The photo editor for the base set must be really strict on their requirements for a pose. Or maybe the editor is an AI that only recognizes a narrow range of photo types. Still, I like having the base Topps set of each year as a record of the season and the players. It's also nice to immediately know I have a card when looking at a lot, makes it easier not to waste time or money filling in holes in the set.


  1. I picked up 2 of the Series 1 super boxes at Target and 2 of the Series 1/2 super boxes at Costco. Looking forward to opening them up and starting my set build. Normally I go the factory set route... which is equivalent to the price of the two Series 1 supers.

  2. I like this set a lot. But it's close to 100 percent design-related. Between the samey-ness of the images, the uninteresting photos and the deluge of rookies, the picture is almost incidental to me. If the design is right, I'll collect it.

  3. You know that I get monster boxes full of each series every release (for $20-30.00). Remember that next year (or when update comes out). LOL
