Sunday, June 9, 2024

Wallet Card at Wachovia and Klear Copy Rubber Stamps

Stumbled across a couple of wallet-card worthy signage in the city this week.

It's hardly vintage, but believe it or not it's been sixteen years since Wachovia bank disappeared. They were only in the New York area for about ten years or so. This was on Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, somewhere around 14th street I think.

A newly-revealed, somewhat older sign is this one for Klear Copy Rubber Stamps. You could order custom-made rubber stamps from this business. Looks like they operated here in the 1980s, relocated to W. 27th Street sometime later, and went out of business around 20 years ago.


1 comment:

  1. Something I've wondered for a while now, and I really hope that I haven't asked it before, but when you visit these places do you take a few pictures sans card for posterity?
