Thursday, December 21, 2023

More generosity from Crocodile

I was fortunate to win another free box of cards from Crocodile, which arrived yesterday. It was another fun random assortment of cards. I found plenty that I needed and plenty more that I can hopefully send to another collector.

The reason I decided to join the contest was the '68 Topps Game card I saw peeking out. I thought it might be one I needed, the Jimmy Wynn which has an O for Out. It wasn't but I've gotten the Wynn in the meantime. Everything here I had already, so if you see something you can use let me know.  Some pretty big stars in here. Some have condition issues (which is fine for me) so I can swap out for a better conditioned card if I have it.

These were all cards that I needed. Plus one other card, a Leaf Gold Rookie I forgot to put in the photo. Nice to see a Yankee need, a star for my '88 Sportflics set build, and a shiny refractor.
This was very cool - sealed packs of all eight parts of the 1990 Long John Silvers set!
Here is the complete set, now out of the plastic. I had about half the set already so if you have needs here let me know.
There was lots of football in the box too. I'm always happy to get more cards from the '86 set, the first sports card set I collected. I needed all four of those. The only dupes for me were the cards in the bottom row, including a Guy who is in the Hall of Fame.
Finishing up with a little hockey and hoops, all of which are available.
Thanks Croc!


  1. Dang, nice. If you have spares of the LJS Superstar Header Cards (SET 1, 2, etc), I can use a few. Hit me up on TCDB.

  2. So many interesting cards to comment on... so little time. I'll focus on the 82 Fleer Pena. Great card that I had when I was a kid. And that Long John Silver's set is really cool. I wish I would have stocked up on some of those Starline posters when I had the chance.

  3. I had never seen that Pena before. That's some card! We never ate at Long John Silver's when I was a kid, but I still managed to acquire a couple of those cards from somewhere way back when. They're long gone now. If you had an extra of either Gregg Jefferies or Eric Davis, I'd be interested in those.
