Monday, September 25, 2023

1976 SSPC Ralph Garr


The card, in brief: The photo is cropped to the side, which might offend some sensibilities but I like it. You can see in the background someone in the stands waving. Maybe trying to get a player's attention for an autograph?

The player, in brief: Garr was a speedy, free-swinging outfielder who had several good seasons and one great one, winning the 1974 NL batting title with a .353 average. Twice the NL leader in triples, Garr played in 1,317 games for the Braves, White Sox and Angels, hitting .306 with 75 HR, 408 RBI and 172 SB.

Post playing career, in brief: Garr has worked as a Braves scout since 1984.

My collection: I have 15 of his cards, from 1970 to 1980. I would be interested in trading for 1977 Hostess #108.


  1. You certainly highlight my Braves in this series. I like it!

  2. I like the way that the photo was cropped too.
